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Warning SCAM!! WHAFF Rewards 2017

[HOW] To Play WHAFF!
Download WHAFF, inside code » : [ HP66476 ] and get $0,300!!!
So easy to get money just click: GoPlayWhaff and get big rewards in second.
What is WHAFF?

We are ‘rewards app.’ We give ‘rewards’ for ‘actions’ done by our users.
These actions include downloading/installing apps that you can check out on our wall
running and playing them daily, and keeping them on your phone.
The advertisers/developers want to showcase their applications,
and we are the bridge between them and everyday users.
Please consider all 3 sides involved here.
Please do look and try out the cool and new apps yourself
please complete actions asked by us, and enjoy earning rewards while doing your actions yourself!
Users can choose from [Premium Picks], [WHAFF Picks], and more to make their choices to download.
You get rewarded in many ways.
The prices vary but you can be rewarded in so many ways compared to other competitors (usually from $0.10~$0.50) per action.
You can also invite your friends or those who will really use our app.
If they punch in your invite code at initial sign-up process, both of you will get bonuses.
But this is not an ‘activation code,’ it is an ‘invitation code.’
Think wisely, consider all sides in this relationship, and act clearly.
LEAVE a clear trail of your promotions (direct links to your blogs and SNS pages, screenshots of your texts and more).
When you have enough rewards (a minimum of $10.50) saved,
you can go to [Payout] and receive your payments via gift cards (US) or PayPal.
Try it yourself and let us know; we are sure you will love it!
So easy to get money just click: GoPlayWhaff and get big rewards 

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